
QuateQ’s strength lies in the development of products and solutions while working closely with the customer. QuateQ supports in R&D projects, in which we use 3D CAD software and programming software for embedded and PLC controls.


Over the last ten years QuateQ has gained knowledge and experience in a couple of different working fields: mechanical engineering, medical and mobile industry.

This diverse background allows us to easily come up with out of the box solutions or provide another perspective on a problem.

Therefore we see it as a perfect base for the mechatronic industry.

The last six months we have been working on a new product for the mobile industry,

we were involved in automating a production line and we were responsible for the development of testing equipment.


QuateQ has experience with the following software programs:

  • SolidWorks
  • Solid Edge
  • Codesys
  • Labview
  • MPLab

Call or email us!

Spinnerij 8
7122 MR Aalten
T: 0850 653 484

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